Jun 3, 2023Liked by Ben Reinhardt

# Recursion

"You'll soon feel better ... " Dr Stoneheart croned to the patient exposed skull on the 3D monitor. As a top-notch tele-neuro-surgeon, he'd forgotten the number of teleops so far this year. 5,000? 6,000? Whatever, the Firm provided the entire infrastructure, from remote surgical table to his personalised haptic auto-corrective feedback apparatus to control the delicate instruments halfway across the world. 30min of intense concentration, then a 15min break to chill before next prep. Time-slicing multiple specialists allowed the Firm to deliver affordable care whilst allowing him to work from his lake-side retreat. Stoneheart focused, conscious of his age as younger colleagues joked about the Old Man in the background spatial audio. Sheesh ... he could still out-micromanipulate any two of them on a good day. Unfortunately today wasn't a good day, the headache from yesterday had gotten worse, his fingers felt heavy though the dashboard reported no deviations, and that back-support harness seemed off. And that headache seemed to be treating him as congo-drum. He couldn't afford to quit for a break just yet, it was getting to the delicate stage of splicing the biopolymer electrodes to the nerve graft. The Firm prided itself on 6-nine reliability on prosthetics and he was their star surgeon, irreplaceable, and their face for advertising. Stoneheart breathed carefully, his subtle twitches weaving the micro-manipulators in a ballet of beauty, though the headache was turning into a timpanni chorus.

Suddenly the screen flooded red ... "What ..." he wanted to snap to assistant to fix but the words stuck in his mouth. The headache had gone but at same time he couldn't feel his fingers ... the red flood was chased by a black sea as vision faded away to ... to ... as the black receded, .... the sound ... of .... assistant's voice, "You'll soon feel better ... "

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Ben Reinhardt

Heinlein already covered this better than I ever could in his short story "Waldo" written in 1942:


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Unfortunately, dead authors are going to be ineligible until technology enables them to write original pieces for the contest ...

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Party pooper!

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Ben Reinhardt

Some people are francophiles, others are telerobots.

The French were the sole survivors of the climate wars, thanks to long lab days lived by Jacques Jean Teleneuve,

He made a stubborn telerobot with circuitry and code, alongside rings etched into metal by cups of coffee and emptied boxfuls of pain au chocolate.

Jacques programming allowed that you could only give it one command. A robot’s life-purpose if you will. You could code that sort of thing in these days. Technology was at its dawn, raw, unrefined, so commands had to be simple: One task per robot.

“Stick to your partner, the telebot near you.”

All the little telerobots complied, so Jacques tried to stick as much of the things together as they could.

Robot robot robot, Side by side by side.

Forming an impenetrable shield, Jacques' command echoed in binary. The result? A dome.

Built of transparent telerobots, the sun still shone on France, and rain could slip through the cracks

Nestled under its mechanical canopy, the country flourished.

The French loved the telerobots, made more and slowly then became them

Robot echoed robot, echoed robot, echoed human.

Robot robot robot robot

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Ben Reinhardt

Title: Whispers from the Stars

In the not-so-distant future, where humanity had extended its reach to the farthest corners of the cosmos, a remarkable development emerged—the birth of cell-sized telerobots. These tiny marvels of technology heralded a new era, where the boundaries of space exploration, medical care, and manufacturing were forever transformed.

Dr. Ava Collins, a renowned scientist and physician, found herself at the forefront of this groundbreaking field. Clad in a lab coat adorned with intricate circuitry, she peered through a microscope, her eyes alight with curiosity. Within the glass confines, a myriad of cell-sized telerobots swarmed, their microscopic forms dancing in unison.

Each telerobot carried within it a beacon of human ingenuity, encapsulating the ability to navigate the vast expanse of space. Their mission was to explore celestial bodies deemed inhospitable to the fragile human form. With their miniature size, they could traverse the most treacherous terrains, delve into the depths of alien environments, and unveil the secrets of the universe.

Guided by the steady hand of Dr. Collins, the telerobots embarked on their maiden voyage—a distant moon that had long intrigued the scientific community. As the telerobots descended onto the moon's desolate surface, they tirelessly collected samples, analyzing the composition of its rocks, searching for traces of life, and unraveling the mysteries that lay dormant for eons.

Simultaneously, back on Earth, Dr. Collins monitored the telerobots' progress from the confines of her control room. Through her specialized visor, she immersed herself in their microscopic world, seeing through their eyes and experiencing the lunar landscape. She marveled at the breathtaking beauty of alien landscapes, the eerie silence punctuated only by the soft hum of the telerobots as they scoured the moon's surface.

But it wasn't just space exploration that benefited from the cell-sized telerobots. Their potential in the realm of medical care was equally transformative. Dr. Collins, fueled by her compassion for humanity's well-being, turned her attention to the intricate world within the human body.

The telerobots, guided by Dr. Collins' expertise, ventured into the intricate networks of veins and arteries, their miniature frames navigating the endless labyrinth of life. They carried the healing touch of their human operator, performing delicate surgeries at the cellular level, eradicating diseases that once plagued mankind.

With unparalleled precision, the telerobots repaired damaged tissues, cleared blockages, and delivered targeted medications directly to afflicted areas. They became microscopic warriors, fighting alongside the human immune system to triumph over ailments that were once considered insurmountable.

The power of cell-sized telerobots didn't stop there. Their influence spread to the realm of manufacturing, where they reshaped the way products were crafted. With their minute size, they permeated the intricacies of microscopic assemblies, meticulously constructing components and ensuring flawless precision.

The telerobots became the unseen hands behind groundbreaking advancements in nanotechnology. They crafted structures with a level of intricacy beyond the scope of human hands, heralding a new era of miniaturization and efficiency. Manufacturing processes became faster, more precise, and more environmentally friendly, unlocking possibilities that were once deemed unattainable.

As Dr. Collins watched the telerobots in action, their endeavors in space exploration, medical care, and manufacturing wove together a tapestry of human potential. They formed a web of interconnected progress, reminding humanity that the stars were within their reach, that healing could transcend limitations, and that the manufactured world could be molded with the utmost finesse.

In the quiet moments of reflection, Dr. Collins marveled at the whispers from the stars—the cosmic symphony composed of the telerobots' endeavors. Their exploration of distant moons echoed with the resilience of human curiosity, their healing touch resonated with the tenacity of the human spirit, and their precise craftsmanship harmonized with the ingenuity of human innovation.

But amidst the celestial chorus, another tale unfolded—a tale of a humanoid civilization in a distant galaxy. Dr. Collins, driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge, had directed a team of telerobots to observe this enigmatic species.

The cell-sized telerobots, equipped with advanced sensors, silently watched as the humanoids engaged in a captivating game. Driven by their insatiable curiosity, the telerobots captured the intricate movements and strategies of the foreign game, streaming it back to Earth.

People on Earth gathered around their televisions, their eyes fixed on the alien spectacle. The unique gestures, the rhythmic patterns, and the strategic maneuvers of the humanoids mesmerized the viewers. It was a glimpse into a distant world—a world that seemed both alien and familiar, captivating and enthralling.

As the telerobots continued to transmit the extraterrestrial games, a new form of entertainment emerged on Earth. The foreign game became a sensation, captivating millions of viewers with its mesmerizing gameplay and cultural nuances. It bridged the gap between galaxies, bringing the distant humanoid civilization into the living rooms of people across the planet.

Scientists and enthusiasts studied the game, analyzing its rules, deciphering its strategies, and immersing themselves in the cultural tapestry of a civilization light-years away. The exchange of knowledge and ideas sparked a newfound appreciation for the diversity of life in the universe and fostered a deeper sense of interconnectedness.

Through the eyes of the telerobots, humanity witnessed the threads that wove through the cosmos—the pursuit of knowledge, the drive for healing, and the universal desire for connection. The cell-sized telerobots became the conduits, whispering stories from the stars, illuminating the path toward a future where exploration, compassion, and understanding stretched far beyond the boundaries of Earth.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Ben Reinhardt

Title: Shadows of Humanity

In a future not too distant, where technology transcended the boundaries of distance and physical limitations, a young woman named Maya found herself at the forefront of a revolutionary era. The world had embraced general-purpose telerobotics with unyielding enthusiasm, paving the way for remarkable possibilities.

Maya, a brilliant engineer, had dedicated her life to the pursuit of expanding the boundaries of human potential. Clad in a sleek, form-fitting suit embedded with an array of sensors, she stood in the center of a spacious control room, surrounded by an orchestra of screens and blinking lights.

The room hummed with anticipation as Maya prepared to embark on an extraordinary journey. Today marked the culmination of years of tireless work, as she was about to test the latest innovation in general-purpose telerobotics—an invention that could reshape the world.

Before her, a towering, hulking structure known as the Atlas stood like an immovable sentinel. The Atlas was a marvel of engineering—a colossal robotic behemoth capable of manipulating immense weights and performing intricate tasks. Its metal limbs, adorned with countless sensors, awaited the gentle touch of Maya's consciousness.

Maya closed her eyes, her mind brimming with anticipation. As she donned a specialized helmet, her consciousness merged with the vast neural network that interconnected her with the Atlas. A cascade of sensations flooded her senses, blurring the boundaries between her physical self and the behemoth of metal and circuits.

Suddenly, Maya found herself standing at the heart of a bustling city—a foreign landscape far removed from her control room. Through the Atlas's eyes, she marveled at the vibrant streets teeming with life, painted with a tapestry of cultures. She felt the hum of distant conversations, the scents of exotic cuisine wafting through the air, and the warm touch of sunlight on her metallic skin.

It was a world she could navigate effortlessly. With a thought, she commanded the Atlas to soar into the sky, its colossal form gliding gracefully among the clouds. The city sprawled beneath her, revealing a mosaic of interconnected lives that she could influence, support, and protect.

As Maya immersed herself deeper into this new existence, she discovered that the power of telerobotics transcended the mundane. She found herself assisting in disaster-stricken areas, clearing debris and providing solace to the afflicted. She aided scientists in remote laboratories, unraveling the mysteries of the universe. She even became an anonymous guardian to the elderly, offering a comforting presence to those yearning for companionship.

But amidst the triumphs, there were also poignant moments of solitude. In her digital expanse, Maya longed for the touch of another human, the warmth of a loved one's embrace. She yearned to share these extraordinary experiences with those who were still bound by flesh and blood.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Maya became an ambassador of boundless empathy, bridging the gap between man and machine. She spread the wonders of telerobotics far and wide, inspiring countless others to embrace this newfound connection.

The world Maya envisioned, a world where anyone could become one with a robot, had arrived. It was a world of endless possibilities, where the limits of human potential were merely shadows, fading into insignificance.

In the quiet corners of her control room, Maya smiled, for she knew that she had become more than herself. She had become a conduit, a beacon of hope, forever intertwined with the transformative power of general-purpose telerobotics. And in her heart, she held the conviction that humanity, forever reaching for the stars, would continue to push the boundaries of what it meant to exist in this awe-inspiring universe.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Ben Reinhardt

The man observed her from a remote location, connected through a telepresence system. Through this advanced technology, he could see what the robot saw and seamlessly control its actions. It was a marvel of technology that allowed him to remotely operate a robot anywhere he was in the world.

As he maneuvered the robot closer to the magnificent creature, he couldn't help but marvel at its size. The jellyfish, nearly two hundred times larger than him, seemed to glow with a translucent golden hue, captivating his senses. The robot's cameras captured every detail, and the man, overwhelmed by its beauty, felt a deep sense of awe and wonder.

The man whispered to himself, "She's a miracle," as tears welled up in his eyes. The divine brightness radiating from the jellyfish touched his soul, and he couldn't help but be moved by its ethereal glow.

Having meticulously planned the capture, the man employed a specialized robotic trawl for the task. It was not an ordinary trawl but a masterpiece of engineering, designed to capture this jellyfish as his prized possession. The hours spent creating the trawl were a testament to his passion and dedication.

With the trawl ready, he carefully guided the robot and positioned the tank to ensnare the jellyfish as it made its rounds. In a matter of minutes, he successfully captured the creature, hoisting it out of the water and onto the nearby island.

He couldn't contain his elation and rolled on the muddy ground, shrieking with joy. The long hours of obsession and planning had paid off, and he had achieved his dream of being united with the majestic jellyfish.

Eager to share his extraordinary find, the man reached out to his relatives, one by one, using the recorded capture from the teleoperated robot as his medium of communication. His relatives put on home suits to experience the man's first encounter with the jellyfish. They in turn invited others to witness its unparalleled beauty through their suits. Slowly, the story of the existence of this jellyfish and its capture spread, reigniting the interest of people around the world to wear their home suits and experience this captured recording of this unique encounter.

The man set up a display of the jellyfish on the island in a massive tank shaped like an upside down bell glass jar.

Soon, visitors flocked to the island, eager to catch a glimpse of the breathtaking specimen in real life.

Recognizing the opportunity, the man established a stadium around the tank, charging a fee for entry. The popularity of the attraction soared, and the man's fortune grew. With the newfound wealth, he acquired the entire island and embarked on ambitious projects, constructing jellyfish-themed cottages, gift shops, and even a theme park.

Jellyfish Island became a coveted destination, lauded as the epitome of luxury and glamour. Celebrities, politicians, and tourists from all walks of life flocked to the island to attend events held at the stadium. The man, now the self-appointed Mayor, made decisions that shaped the island's culture and identity, from the national food to the drink and even the choice of flowers.

The island thrived, and its inhabitants considered themselves the luckiest people in the world. They were able to be so close to the jellyfish, and experience it in person not just by suit as most other people could do. They revelled in the presence of the jellyfish, wearing garments and accessories inspired by its beauty. Conversations revolved around their extraordinary luck, and the island's name became synonymous with grandeur.

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